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What is Zakat

Zakat is a duty given by Allah. Every grown-up Muslim with enough money must pay it

Zakat is a duty given by Allah. Every grown-up Muslim with enough money must pay it. It is one of the five important rules of Islam. Zakat is a part of a Muslim’s money and property that they should give annually to help poor people. It is based on the idea that everything belongs to God, and our possessions are a trust for people in need. Giving Zakat helps balance our wealth and encourages new growth, like pruning a plant to make it stronger.

obligatory on whom zakat?

Every Muslim adult, male or female, who is mentally well, free, and financially competent, is required to pay zakat in order to benefit certain groups of people. The following verse from Surah at-Taubah (9) defines this group of people: “Almsgiving is a duty that Allah imposes on people; it is only for the needy and the poor; it is for those who give it; it is for those whose hearts need to be reconciled; it is for the release of captives and debtors; it is for the cause of Allah; and it is (for) the wayfarers. Allah is Wise, Knowing.” (9:60 in the Holy Qur’an).

When is Zakat Due ?

1. One Lunar Year Has Passed:

After one lunar year has passed and the owner of the money has authority over it, zakat is required. The owner then has to to set aside 2.5% (or 1/40) for Zakat (A lunar year is approximately 355 days).

2. Deduction of Debts:

The owner should subtract any money borrowed from others, check to see if the remaining sum is sufficient for nisab, and then pay Zakat. The owner must add the increase to the nisab amount owned at the start of the year and then pay Zakat, 2.5% of the total, at the end of the lunar year if the owner had enough money to satisfy the nisab at the beginning of the year but the money increased (in profits, salaries, inheritance, grants, etc). (there are small differences in the fiqh schools here). Every Muslim determines his or her own Zakat on an individual basis. For the majority of purposes, this entails paying 2.5 percent of one’s capital annually.
A pious individual may also make any amount of sadaqa donations, preferably in secret. This word has a larger connotation even if it can be interpreted as “voluntary charity.” Even greeting your brother with a smile on your face, according to the Prophet, is charity. Charity, according to the Prophet, is essential for every Muslim. What if a person has nothing, he was asked? He should use his own hands to labour for himself, the Prophet retorted, and then donate some of his earnings to charity. What if he is unable to work, the Companions questioned? By the Prophet:” He should aid the needy and the destitute.” What if he is unable to achieve even that, the Companions further questioned. He should encourage others to do well, the Prophet advised. What if he also lacks that, the Companions questioned? “He should check himself from doing evil,” the Prophet advised. And that is altruism.


FAQs for Zakat

FAQs for Zakat (Frequently Asked Questions for Zakat)

Can Zakat Be Donated Ahead Of Ramadan?

As mentioned before Zakat can be given at any time during the year. It can be given before during or after Ramadan. Many Muslims choose to give their Zakat during Ramadan because its when they can earn the most reward. Alongside regular Zakat, theres also Zakat al-Fitr (Fitrana) which must be given by all adult Muslims during the blessed month of Ramadan to provide extra food to those in need, beyond their own needs.

Can Zakat Go Towards Building A Mosque?

Allah (SWT) has allowed Zakat to be spent in eight different ways including:

  1. Travelers;Those who are on a journey or have limited resources during their travel.
  2. For the pleasure of Allah; Spending in the way of Allah seeking His approval.
  3. Those in debt; Helping those burdened by debt.
  4. Those in servitude; Such as captives and slaves.
  5. New Muslims and the Islamic brotherhood; Supporting new converts and fostering Islamic brotherhood.
  6. Zakat administrators; Those who manage Zakat funds like charitable organizations.
  7. The needy Al-Masakin; People facing difficulty.
  8. The destitute Al-Fuqara; Individuals with very low income.

As you can see mosques are not included in this list, meaning Zakat cannot be used to build mosques.

Can Zakat Be Donated For Education?

Schools and educational institutions are generally not eligible to receive Zakat because the purpose of Zakat is to provide assistance to individuals who have very limited or no resources. However, if students meet the criteria for receiving Zakat, they may be eligible for financial support from Zakat funds.

Can You Pay Zakat On Someone Else’s Behalf?

There are situations where one person can give Zakat to another. For instance a husband can give Zakat to his wife. However it’s important to be aware of the specific conditions and obtain permission to give the Zakat in such cases.

Can A Son Receive Zakat From His Mother?

A son cannot receive Zakat from his mother because giving charity to individuals under ones financial responsibility is not permissible. Children who are dependent on their parents do not have the financial means to support themselves which makes it an obligation for parents to provide for them. Other relatives who are not responsible for the financial well-being of the children can give their Zakat to support them.

Can My Husband/Wife Receive My Zakat?

If a husband falls under the eligible category for receiving Zakat, his wife can give him Zakat. However, despite this, the husband is not permitted to give his Zakat to his wife because he is already obligated to financially support her.

Can My Uncle Or Aunt Receive My Zakat?

Uncles and aunts who fall under one of the eligible categories for receiving Zakat can indeed receive Zakat donations. This is because nephews and nieces are not automatically responsible for financially supporting their uncles and aunts. Therefore, uncles and aunts can use their Zakat to assist their eligible nephews and nieces.

Can Our Parents Receive Our Zakat?

Like parents aren’t allowed to donate their Zakat to their children, the same applies to children and their parents. As children enter adulthood, they’re obligated to support their parents in repayment of the care that they received in their youth.

Can Brothers Or Sisters Receive Our Zakat?

There is no specific requirement that siblings must care for each other’s financial needs. This means Zakat can be given to any eligible person, including siblings, as long as they meet the criteria for receiving Zakat. The decision to provide Zakat to a sibling or anyone else should be based on their individual financial circumstances and needs.

Can Syed Receive Zakat?

The injunction of Quran that Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him and his family are not eligible to receive Zakat. This rule remains in effect regardless of whether they are considered needy or not. Someone with the title Sayyid a descendant of the Prophet can seek assistance from their Muslim brothers and sisters if they find themselves in a difficult situation as long as it is not regarded as charity but rather as help in a time of need. This distinction is important to maintain the dignity of those who are Sayyids while also allowing for support when required.

Does Zakat Need To Be Paid On Land?

Inheritance homes and business properties are not subject to Zakat expenditures, However land that generates income such as rental properties is considered an asset and Zakat applies to the income it generates,

Similarly land purchased with the intent to sell is considered a commercial asset, and is subject to Zakat, The calculation of Zakat for such land is based on its current market value.

So while family homes and business properties are not part of Zakat calculations income generating land and land held for sale are considered assets subject to Zakat.

How Many Types Of Zakat In Islam?

Zakat is of two types: Zakat al-Mal (Wealth Zakat) and Zakat al-Fitr (Fitr Zakat). Zakat al-Mal is an obligatory annual charity that can be given at any time during the year. However, Zakat al-Fitr (Fitr Zakat) is given before the Eid prayer during the blessed month of Ramadan, and it is a mandatory charity that marks the end of Ramadan and is meant to purify those who fast from any indecent act or speech and to help the poor and needy.